>> Jozef De Cooman starts the company Jos De Cooman in 1958.
1958 was the start of the breakdown company established by Jozef De Cooman. Within the next years car transport was set up.
>> Transport activities keep on growing in 1995.
In 1995 the number of vehicles for national and international transport expands. The service of transportation of exclusive cars in closed transport extends too. (prototypes, rally cars, precious old-timers, …)
>> Breakdown company Jos De Cooman becomes JDC-Trans in 2004
After many years of experience we decided to sell the breakdown department of the company and to focus on car transport. This change resulted into another name: JDC-Trans.
>> At this moment the company has several modern trucks.

- 12 trucks for national and international transport
- 3 trucks adapted for exclusively closed transport national as well as international
JDC-Trans offers professional and qualitative car transport as there are many satisfied customers. Companies that are looking for ‘just in time’ transport have come to the right place.